

4-part video training series on Bringing Your Horse Back into Work


Step-by-step horse training


Building confident horses and riders 

The Kandoo Community Hub is a free, safe and supportive online group of horse-lovers that are learning to train their horses using reinforcement and evidence-based methods. Join us and start your training journey today!

Join the Kandoo Community Hub (FREE) now!

Step-by-step horse training


Building confident horses and riders

The Kandoo Community Hub is a free, safe and supportive online group of horse-lovers who are learning to train their horses using reinforcement and evidence-based methods. Join us and start your training journey today!








How would you feel if you knew you had a safe and happy horse?

Does your horse find it difficult to relax? Do you worry that he/she might shy when out on the trail?

Kandoo Equine is all about creating safe and happy equine partners by guiding owners through step-by-step evidence-based training lessons.

This free workshop explains how you too can have the horse of your dreams!

Get the free workshop

What can Kandoo do for you?


Join the Kandoo Community Hub free today. Lots of great training videos and the perfect place to meet like-minded people.

Join Today!

Join the Kandoo GOLD step-by-step training. From starting your horse under saddle to lateral work and flying changes.

Learn More

What led me here?

When I was competing in a Rolex International competition in Singapore, my horse was tense and anxious, and frankly, so was I. I knew I had to find a better way and that took me to the USA to study with John Lyons and then to do a PhD in horse behaviour and training.

Having realised that owners can only get sustainable changes by training their own horses, I have now taught thousands of horse owners to train their own happy and safe equine friends.

Hear what people are saying...

"I can hardly believe how easy it is"

So happy to be on board - I just got the GOLD training. I've started at the very beginning and I'm already hooked on the lessons. Your way of explaining things and the video demonstrations are all very logical and easy to follow. Thank you!

Melissa, CO USA

"Now I have a plan, thank you!"

Thanks again for taking the time to chat today Kate! I love the confidence I am gaining from all you are teaching me. It is so wonderful to be excited to head off to the paddock to see my horse, knowing I have a plan of what I am going to be working on with her. I love that even if I only have 15 minutes to work with her...I know those 15 minutes will be productive for both me and my horse.
Thanks again 😊

Mandy, QLD Australia

"Close contact from a remote area"

Being from a very remote area, it's almost impossible to get trainers to come to me. I was very pleased to find your training and no longer have the need of visiting clinicians. Also, I wanted to thank you for also being so fast to answer my questions - both on the training pages and via email, it really helps, thanks!

Tamara, New Zealand

"I can now mount safely"

I want thank you for your video on training your horse to turn his hindquarters to the fence or mounting block in the Community Hub. On seeing it I went straight out and began the first lesson with Gus my 16'2 OTT. He easily got the hang of it! More importantly so have I, learned heaps about my horsey expectations and my patience a lot of it not so good. However Gus and I have set new, and higher, expectations for our training, he is a very patient teacher, thank you once again for your excellent programs - mounting safely is my first step and I am looking forward to riding now!

Janet, OH USA

Kandoo Equine training will lead you to that relaxed and happy horse you've always wanted.

Choose your preferred way to start .....


This is a great way to get to know Kandoo and understand how the training works. The Hub is free to join and contains weekly Live Training and a Library of Training Videos.


Fully comprehensive, step-by-step online training program for those wanting to take their horsemanship to the next level.


Six full-length lessons include: Give to the Bit, Shoulder Control, Round Pen, Trailer Loading, 1st Saddling and Long-Reining. Access is online and ongoing or you can download the lessons.


Kandoo Equine Training was made for YOU....

and your horse, of course!

I completely understand that feeling of fear before getting on a horse. The crossing your fingers and hoping for the best but never really knowing what might happen.

I've been there too but when I understood that I needed to be the person that trained my horse if I wanted to be relaxed, happy and safe, everything changed.

It will for you too. Imagine mounting up every ride feeling relaxed and confident because you know you have a relaxed and confident horse.

Join me and we'll get you there!